News & Stories

News & Stories
SWHR helps patients stay on track with taking medications

Despite the potential for adverse health effects, about 50% of patients don’t take their medications as prescribed, according…

quintuple aim
Examining the quintuple aim in healthcare

Fifteen years ago, the triple aim was introduced. Seven years later, a fourth aim was added. Today, advocates are arguing for…

provider and patient
Why you want your primary care provider in an accountable care organization

Selecting a primary care provider (PCP) is an important first step in supporting your personal health and longevity. In today’s…

CAP event
In-person physician events add value

Connections between colleagues matter. Tightly knit connections help speed trust, help teams weather challenges and contribute…

man eating salad
Taking a holistic approach to men's health

Holistic health requires caring for the whole person – supporting not only physical wellness, but mental and emotional health…

UHC PX Award
Thirteen Providers Recognized for Outstanding Patient Experience

Farmers Branch, April 24, 2023 – More than a dozen Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR) providers have earned the ‘United…

Young woman in scrubs hands other woman pen and notepad.
SWHR, UT Southwestern team up to train physician assistant students in quality improvement

As the emphasis in the healthcare industry continues its shift toward preventive care and quality improvement (QI), the…