News & Stories

News & Stories
NAACOS Award Image
Southwestern Health Resources Receives National Recognition For Improving Patient Outcomes

Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR), the clinically integrated network which blends the strengths of UT Southwestern Medical…

UHC PX Award
Thirteen Providers Recognized for Outstanding Patient Experience

Farmers Branch, April 24, 2023 – More than a dozen Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR) providers have earned the ‘United…

Young woman doctor checking patients blood pressure
Care Transformation and Innovation: empowering primary care

Asked about the mission of the Care Transformation and Innovation (CTI) team, Debra Payne, Director of Care Management,…

Young Black woman doctor speaks with young Latina patient
The importance of the primary care physician

The Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR) clinically integrated network is built around the critical role of the primary care…

Image card of Donnell Rodgers
Donnell Rodgers: Love for family, job and a little ‘retail therapy’ make for a rich life

Donnell Rodgers works as a Desktop Support Specialist with Southwestern Health Resources, focused on turning employees'…

Image card of Courtney Holcomb
Courtney Holcomb: Pursuing scalable solutions

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) provides a structured method of achieving results that create value and reduce burdens through business…

Doctor and older female patient in medical office looking at computer monitor
Colorectal cancer screenings: Know all your options

Talk with your doctor about colorectal cancer screening. Together, you can decide which colorectal cancer test is right for you.

Older Black woman and younger Black woman shopping
Heart disease risk in Black Americans

Heart disease and stroke are leading causes of death among all Americans. But for Black Americans, the risk is even higher.