News & Stories

News & Stories
provider and patient
Why you want your primary care provider in an accountable care organization

Selecting a primary care provider (PCP) is an important first step in supporting your personal health and longevity. In today’s…

CAP event
In-person physician events add value

Connections between colleagues matter. Tightly knit connections help speed trust, help teams weather challenges and contribute…

group of doctors
What is a clinically integrated network (CIN)?

We're often asked what it means when we say SWHR is a clinically integrated network (CIN). The answer is it depends on who you…

doctor holding stethoscope
What is an Accountable Care Organization (ACO)?

An ACO, according to the glossary of terms published by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information…

daily pill separator
Why you need to take your medications as prescribed — and how to stay on track

Medications help manage health conditions and diseases, improve quality of life and may even be lifesaving. But millions of…