News & Stories

News & Stories
provider and patient
Why you want your primary care provider in an accountable care organization

Selecting a primary care provider (PCP) is an important first step in supporting your personal health and longevity. In today’s…

CAP event
In-person physician events add value

Connections between colleagues matter. Tightly knit connections help speed trust, help teams weather challenges and contribute…

Young woman doctor checking patients blood pressure
Care Transformation and Innovation: empowering primary care

Asked about the mission of the Care Transformation and Innovation (CTI) team, Debra Payne, Director of Care Management,…

Young Black woman doctor speaks with young Latina patient
The importance of the primary care physician

The Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR) clinically integrated network is built around the critical role of the primary care…

Older white couple relaxing on the couch
Manage stress to lower blood pressure

You can learn to cope with stress in healthy ways. Better stress management can help you control hypertension.

Young Black man reading food label at grocery store
Managing hypertension with food

Focus on small, heart-healthy changes to your eating plan, and you can make a positive difference in your health.