News & Stories

News & Stories
Chrisette Dharma, MD
In her words: Chrisette Dharma, MD

Being a physician is more than simply treating the sick. It's about creating a bond of trust between the person providing care…

medically tailored meals
Medically tailored meals provide healthy nutrition for the food insecure

Frank is struggling to pay for his home and the medications he needs for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a…

patient experience
Osteoporosis: What it is and how to get tested

Osteoporosis is a disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone density, increasing the risk of a fracture (broken bone…

lady holding dumbbells
Osteoporosis: Who is at risk and how to prevent it

Many people have experienced a broken bone (fracture) in their lives. Usually, the bone heals, and you get back to your life…

Iram hamdard MD
Physician has a passion for prevention and changing mindsets

Iram Hamdard, MD, is passionate about preventive medicine. It's a philosophy that guides her approach to patient care, and she…