News & Stories

News & Stories
daily pill separator
Why you need to take your medications as prescribed — and how to stay on track

Medications help manage health conditions and diseases, improve quality of life and may even be lifesaving. But millions of…

Older white couple relaxing on the couch
Manage stress to lower blood pressure

You can learn to cope with stress in healthy ways. Better stress management can help you control hypertension.

Young Black man reading food label at grocery store
Managing hypertension with food

Focus on small, heart-healthy changes to your eating plan, and you can make a positive difference in your health.

Doctor and older female patient in medical office looking at computer monitor
Colorectal cancer screenings: Know all your options

Talk with your doctor about colorectal cancer screening. Together, you can decide which colorectal cancer test is right for you.

Older Black woman and younger Black woman shopping
Heart disease risk in Black Americans

Heart disease and stroke are leading causes of death among all Americans. But for Black Americans, the risk is even higher.

A doctor in an office explaining to a woman what common cervical cancer risk factors are
Cervical cancer risk factors: Know your risk

Cervical cancer affects thousands of women each year. But you can take steps to reduce your risk of getting it. Certain things…

A doctor in an office explaining to a woman why cervical cancer screening is important
Why cervical cancer screening is important

More than 13,000 women get a cervical cancer diagnosis each year. Cervical cancer often causes no symptoms, so many women don't…

Michelle Mirkovic
High school sports injury inspires future healthcare career

Sports injuries can be devastating to aspiring young athletes. So when Michelle Mirkovic suffered a serious knee injury running…

1603 Building Image
Southwestern Health Resources signs long-term lease for new office

DALLAS — Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR), the clinically integrated network of UT Southwestern and Texas Health Resources,…

Asra Kermani
How to prevent diabetes

More than 80 million people have prediabetes, a major risk factor for diabetes. People with prediabetes can take steps to…

Man using a glucose meter to test his blood sugar levels
How to prevent diabetes complications

Heart problems, kidney troubles, digestive issues and vision problems. Unmanaged diabetes can affect just about every system in…

Middle aged woman wearing earbuds
Type 2 diabetes: Risk factors and screenings

More than 30 million people in the U.S. have Type 2 diabetes — and at least 7 million don’t know it yet. That’s because Type 2…

Woman using her laptop to learn more about breast cancer
7 breast cancer myths debunked

“Don’t use antiperspirant.” “Only older people get breast cancer.” You’ve probably heard more than a few myths about breast…

Two middle aged women laughing and walking
How you can lower your breast cancer risk

While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer, there are some things you can do to lower your chances of getting it…

Monitoring blood pressure at home
How to monitor your blood pressure at home — and why you should do it

It’s easy to forget about the blood pumping through your blood vessels, delivering nutrients and oxygen to your body — until…