News & Stories

News & Stories
NAACOS Award Image
Southwestern Health Resources Receives National Recognition For Improving Patient Outcomes

Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR), the clinically integrated network which blends the strengths of UT Southwestern Medical…

Jennifer Young Headshot
Communication and the post-acute care transition

Post-acute care is a critical component of healthcare outcomes as it promotes functional recovery for (primarily older) adults,…

ACO Reach Goals header Image
Southwestern Health Resources Awarded ACO REACH Model

DALLAS – Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR), the clinically integrated network which blends the strengths of UT Southwestern…

group of doctors
What is a clinically integrated network (CIN)?

We're often asked what it means when we say SWHR is a clinically integrated network (CIN). The answer is it depends on who you…

doctor holding stethoscope
What is an Accountable Care Organization (ACO)?

An ACO, according to the glossary of terms published by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information…

Image card of Courtney Holcomb
Courtney Holcomb: Pursuing scalable solutions

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) provides a structured method of achieving results that create value and reduce burdens through business…