News & Stories

News & Stories
provider and patient
Why you want your primary care provider in an accountable care organization

Selecting a primary care provider (PCP) is an important first step in supporting your personal health and longevity. In today’s…

CAP event
In-person physician events add value

Connections between colleagues matter. Tightly knit connections help speed trust, help teams weather challenges and contribute…

man eating salad
Taking a holistic approach to men's health

Holistic health requires caring for the whole person – supporting not only physical wellness, but mental and emotional health…

Image card of Heidi Chanthamany
Heidi Chanthamany: building community, embracing diversity

As a first-generation Cuban American growing up in Miami, Heidi Chanthamany found doctors in her neighborhood were well-versed…

Image card of Donnell Rodgers
Donnell Rodgers: Love for family, job and a little ‘retail therapy’ make for a rich life

Donnell Rodgers works as a Desktop Support Specialist with Southwestern Health Resources, focused on turning employees'…

Image card of Courtney Holcomb
Courtney Holcomb: Pursuing scalable solutions

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) provides a structured method of achieving results that create value and reduce burdens through business…

blurred image of doctors and nurses talking
John L. Crawford, MD – making a difference

DALLAS – Ever meet someone whose every word radiates positive energy and boundless curiosity? John Crawford, MD, is like that…